Are you ready to revolutionize your financial life? The world of finance can be very intimidating and frustrating when you attempt to conquer it. There is so much to know and understand about the money you have and the money you want to make. That being said wouldn't you like to know a simple and effective way to manage your money, one that allows you to pay your bills on time and still have some to do everything else? Going from a complete financial disaster to great and continuous financial success, I know exactly how it feels to be on both sides of the fence. And that is why I wrote this book to help those on the side of financial dismay to come to the side of financial satisfaction. In this guide you will find a tried and true method of managing your money and forever leaving your budget behind. One that will help you live the life you love and love the life you live.Managing your money doesn't have to be hard and complex. Though it may seem like managing money may restrict your freedom, it will actually promote it.In this book you will learn everything you need to know about managing your money and creating a system that will support you as you grow and through different sages of life.