Over recent years with continuous changes to the Green taxes and policies, buying gas and electricity for large consumers has become increasingly complex. Purchasing options which were only available to major users are now available to more of the market. Wholesale energy prices peaked in 2008 and have fallen significantly since then, however rising taxes and distribution costs means that the retail price is now higher than ever. Persistent price volatility means that businesses or organisations reliance on traditional energy procurement methods should be reviewed.Most gas and electricity contracts are still agreed through the traditional annual or biennial tender route, with the majority taking place in October and April. However this option is not without its own significant risks. If you end up going to market when prices are highest, your business could find itself paying 30-40% more than a competitor that arranges it’s tender at a different time. As the cost of energy frequently represents one of the most significant areas of expenditure, the case for analysing all available purchasing options is clear.This guide has been designed to give you:A brief overview of the gas and electricity markets.Analysis of how these markets work, and how they affect you.Explanation of the core information you must hold for each of your sites that consume electricity and / or mains gas.